Practice your batting shots with these hi-tech pitching machines that
can throw overhand fastballs, overhand curves and split-finger fastballs
at various speeds.
ATEC JET Backyard Pitching Machine (SKU: AT-AT4300)Adjustable throwing head
Perfect for backyard play
Designed to easily adjust to throw ground balls, line drives and fly balls
Lightweight and portable
Indoor or outdoor use
Throws up to 45 MPH
JET Baseballs also available, Item # AT-AT4310
Rookie is designed for both youth leagues and travel teams alike. The
fact is, "Rookie Leagues" were invented around these machines, due to
the consistant pitches, ball visibility and easy adjustment from hitter
to hitter.
ATEC ROOKIE PITCHING MACHINE SOFTBALL (cordless) (SKU: ROOKIESV)Patented concave disc design• Ideal for youth league play
Speeds from soft lobs to 60 mph• Lightweight and easily transported
BaseHit with Bonus Feeder (SKU: BH199)The Most Affordable Variable Speed Real Baseball Pitching Machine with Auto Ball Feeder from Heater Sports™
Bulldog Single Wheel BB/SB Combo Machine (SKU: BBDOG1XX)Speed range: 30-60 mph
Throws baseballs, 11” and 12” softballs
Runs on 110 volt AC or generator 1/4 HP D.C. motor
Durable Urethane wheel eliminates air pressure issues
Easy operation and light weight portability
Heavy duty legs are convertible for baseball or softball.
Crusher Curve 4hr CR129 (SKU: CR129)Dual Wheel Variable Speed Mini Lite-Ball Pitching Machine
with 4 Hour Rechargeable Battery from Heater Sports™
Crusher Curve 8hr CR169 (SKU: CR169)Dual Wheel Variable Speed Mini Lite-Ball Pitching Machine with
Two 4 Hour Rechargeable Batteries from Heater Sports™
Crusher Curve CR99 (SKU: CR99)Hit Mini Lite-Balls With Pin-Point Accuracy.
Hitting a real baseball takes skill, but imagine
the skill required to hit a ball the size of a golf ball.
Curveball Pitching Machine (SKU: JUGS-1000)It has a patented Gooseneck design provides full range of movement and adjustable for all types of pitches,
including fastballs, curves, sliders and split-finger fastballs this one is the real deal!
Simulates both left and right-handed pitches Ball speed:20-104 mph 5 Year guarantee Balls not included
Heater Jr with Bonus ball Feeder (SKU: HTR299)The Heater Jr Real Baseball Pitching Machine comes with a 1/4 horsepower motor
for accurate pitching every time. The variable speed control adjusts ball speed from
15 to 48 MPH. The Heater Jr also includes a spiral automatic ball feeder that holds 12 baseballs.
Heater ComboBaseball Softball with Bonous Ball Feeder (SKU: HTR-599ABF)The most affordable combination baseball and slow or fast pitch softball machine available.
The Heater Combo is perfect for slow pitch softball and easily converts from pitching baseballs
to pitching softballs in minutes. The auto-ball feeder will deliver baseballs or softballs every
10 seconds and supports both ball types. With the variable speed control you can set the pitch
speeds up to 60 MPH for baseballs, and up to 56 MPH for softballs.
JUGS JR. PITCHING MACHINE (SKU: JUGS-1400)The JUGS Jr.™ can be purchased as a baseball only machine or as a baseball/softball machine.
Throws consistent strikes so players can confidently step into the batter's box and start swinging,
knowing that each and every pitch is going to be a strike.
Jugs small-ball Pitching Machine (SKU: JUGS-M700)
MVP Baseball Pitching Machine (SKU: JUGS-MPV-BPM)
Power Streak BS/SB Pitching Machine (SKU: AT-AT6010)Durable, high-tech composite material and steel construction
Pitches 30- 60 mph for baseball and 30-50 mph for softball
Includes both baseball and softball retainers and chutes
Legs convert easily to either baseball or softball
Includes 3 SFT baseball, 3 SFT softballs
Throws Fastballs, Breaking Balls, Fly and Pop-ups
Power Supply: 110V, AC
Machine Weight: 30lbs.
PowerAlley Auto Ball Feeder (SKU: PA49B)
PowerAlley Lite Baseball Pitching Machine (SKU: PA99)
PowerAlley Lite Softball Pitching Machine (SKU: PASOFT99)
Ryan Pitching Machine - Baseball (SKU: RYANPMB)
Sandlot Auto Ball Feeder (SKU: SBF49B)